goshAMANDA (comments)
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Aw, yeah, that's how I felt at first. But then when we got there it wasn't bad, it was actually kinda thrilling with all the new experiences and stuff.
&Haha the only ones I was really close with that are actually near us are Garrett, Mark, Aaron, Ash, Jaime, Mel, Jack, Austin, Gabie, James, Caleigh, Matt, and Ryan.
It's a serious problem when you begin thinking other people are yourself Manda ;)
Hahaha but I've been pretty goood.
College is just as big a stress as everyone says haha, so it's good I got warning.
It's not that bad if you've got friends there or nearby though.
wow, someone's getting a tad obsessed over there HAHAH.
but yes, i agree, he has an amazing smile(:
let's just say it hurt to even watch.
I mean seriously, there was no need to be so cruel.
HAHA f'sho(:
and well, I've summed up, Kasey's a cold-hearted bitch with no fucking conscience what-so-ever.
but that's just my point of view on the situation HAHAH.
HAHAH true.
but still, I know for a fact Aaron's not looking for a girlfriend right now.
not after what happened at least.
HAHA I think you mean BEFORE he went off with Ashley.
and HAHAHAHAHAH wow, over jack already?
HAHA I think so too, but she won't listen.
she just says she wants him back.
which I really don't get since he isn't that great.
and HAHAH yeeeah, the only Aaron I know(:
Aaron was walking with me to history and we saw Tyler flirting with Trish by the door.
and during class Trish came up to me and she said
"OMG, Tyler was soo flirting with me right now"
I was all
"wow, and Sydney JUST broke up with him. quick bounce back"
HAHA I know what you mean.
but Tyler wasn't even upset about it at all.
he just kept flirting and Sydney said that's what's getting to her.
the fact that he acts like nothing happened.
I mean, I get why she broke up with him.
cause he flirted with like everyone all the time.
but what's the point of saying she regrets it?
then she was all "I regret it sooo much"
but at that point I was just like whatever man.
it's so stupid, cause she does it every time with every guy.
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